Metric name |
Metric description |
Name |
The name of the class |
Superclass Name |
The name of the superclass of the class |
Number of methods |
The number of methods in the class (WMC - one of the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics - see our discussion on these metrics here) |
The value of the LCOM (Lack of Cohesion of Methods) metric for the class. This uses the LCOM* (or LCOM5) calculation. (one of the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics - see our discussion on these metrics here) |
Total Cyclomatic Complexity |
The Total McCabes cyclomatic Complexity for the class |
Average Cyclomatic Complexity |
The Average McCabes cyclomatic Complexity for all of the methods in the class |
Number of statements |
The number of statements in the class (See our discussion on this metric here) |
Cumulative Halstead length |
The Halstead length of the code in the class plus the total of all the Halstead lengths of all the methods in the class (See our discussion on the Halstead Metrics here). |
Cumulative Halstead volume |
The Halstead volume of the code in the class plus the total of all the Halstead volumes of all the methods in the class (See our discussion on the Halstead Metrics here). |
Cumulative Halstead effort |
The Halstead effort of the code in the class plus the total of all the Halstead efforts of all the methods in the class (See our discussion on the Halstead Metrics here). |
Cumulative Halstead bugs |
The Halstead prediction of the number of bugs in the code of the class and all of its methods (See our discussion on the Halstead Metrics here). |
Un Weighted class Size |
The Unweighted Class Size (UWCS) of the class |
Number of Queries |
The number of methods in the class that are queries (i.e. that return a value) |
Number of Commands |
The number of methods in the class that are commands (i.e. that do not return a value) |
External method calls |
The external methods called by the class and by methods in the class |
Hierarchy method calls |
The methods called by the class and by methods in the class |
Local method calls |
The local methods called by the class and by methods in the class that are defined in the hierarchy of the class |
Instance Variables |
The instance variables defined by the class |
Modifiers |
The modifiers (public, protected etc) applied to the declaration of the class |
Interfaces |
The interfaces implemented by the class |
Packages imported |
The packages imported by the class |
Response for Class |
The value of the Response For Class (RFC) metric for the class. (One of the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics - see our discussion on these metrics here) |
Message passing |
The value of the Message passing (MPC) metric for the class |
Coupling between objects |
The value of the Coupling Between Objects (CBO) metric for the class. (One of the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics - see our discussion on these metrics here) |
Fan In |
The value of the Fan In (Afferent coupling (Ca)) metric for the class |
Fan Out |
The value of the Fan Out (Efferent coupling (Ce)) metric for the class |
Reuse Ratio |
The value of the Reuse Ratio for the class |
Specialization Ratio |
The value of the Specialization Ratio for the class |
Superclasses |
The number of superclasses (excluding Object) in the hierarchy of the class |
Subclasses |
The number of subclasses below the class in the hierarchy. (NOC - one of the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics - see our discussion on these metrics here) |
Maintainability Index (MI) (including comments) |
The Maintainability Index for the class, including the adjustment for comments (See our discussion on the Maintainability Index here) |
Maintainability Index (MI) |
The Maintainability Index for the class without any adjustment for comments (See our discussion on the Maintainability Index here) |
Cohesion |
The value of the Cohesion (COH) metric for the class |
Depth of Inheritance Tree |
The value of the Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT) metric for the class. (One of the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics - see our discussion on these metrics here) |
The value of the Lack of Cohesion of Methods (2) (LCOM2) metric for the class. (One of the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics - see our discussion on these metrics here) |
The value of the SIX metric for the class |
Number of Comments |
The number of Comments associated with the class (See our discussion on this metric here) |
Number of Comment Lines |
The number of Comment Lines associated with the class (See our discussion on this metric here) |
Cumulative Number of Comments |
The number of Comments associated with the class and its method (See our discussion on this metric here) |
CumulativeNumber of Comment Lines |
The number of Comment Lines associated with class and its methods (See our discussion on this metric here) |
Lines of Code |
The number of lines of code in the class and its methods (See our discussion on this metric here) |